Parking at Meydenbauer Center is provided in the garage underneath the center. This parking garage is a "pay" parking facility that operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on event activity, a fixed parking fee may be collected upon entry or upon exiting. Meydenbauer Center does not validate parking. The garage is closed daily after all vehicles have exited. Meydenbauer Center's underground parking entrance is on NE 6th Street.
Reservation Number: 425-214-7600
When reserving your room, be sure to mention "SecureWorld Expo" to receive the negotiated conference rate.
If reserving online, simply click on the link above to get started.
"Having attended SecureWorld for over a decade, I can assure you, it is time well spent to learn and build rapport with your local information security colleagues. The conference is always valuable and the staff very personally committed to attendees experience during the conference and the year with additional opportunities."

- Earn 12-16 CPE Credits
- Network with Industry Peers
- 60+ Educational Elements
- Four Keynote Speakers
- Industry Expert Panels
- Security Vendors & Solutions
- Meet Local Association Leaders
- Interactive Conference App

• Create a personalized agenda
• View maps of the venue and Exhibit Hall
• Use secure messaging to network with attendees
• View speaker slides after the conference
• Play CyberHunt, the app game, and compete for prizes