Andrew FreyFinancial Analyst (Forensics), United States Secret Service - San Francisco Field Office
Andrew is a Forensic Financial Analyst with the U.S. Secret Service’s San Francisco Field Office. Andrew is currently assigned to San Francisco’s Digital Assets team, where he investigates crimes involving cryptocurrency and other digital assets. Andrew’s background includes large scale criminal investigations involving a wide range of cyber-enabled fraud, including business email compromises, romance scams and embezzlement, as well as complex money laundering schemes. Andrew is also a certified network intrusion responder, specializing in the investigation of Business Email Compromises. Prior to joining the U.S. Secret Service, Andrew spent nearly 15 years at Bank of America, the majority of which was spent on the Bank’s Financial Crimes Investigations unit where Andrew led investigations involving money laundering and organized crime.
Andrew’s work combatting cyber-enabled fraud and financial crime has resulted in numerous federal indictments against actors both domestic and abroad, and tens of millions of dollars in recoveries for victims of fraud.
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