About the Speaker
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    Devon Bryan
    Global CISO, Carnival Corporation

    Devon Bryan joined Carnival Corporation in October 2021 as the Global CISO with responsibilities for conceiving, implementing and leading technology solutions that assure compliance, protect personal data and corporate assets, increase organizational capability and advance productivity within Carnival Corporation and our world-leading cruise line brands.

    Prior to Carnival Corporation, Devon has held CISO roles a the following organizations: MUFG Union Bank N.A., KPMG US & Americas Ltd, US Federal Reserve, ADP LLC

    His information security career began in the U.S. Air Force, where he served as a Captain and lead network security engineer working on systems and programs to protect the critical network and communications networks of the Air Force’s Air Combat Command.

    Devon is Co-founder of Cyversity, now ICMCP (International Consortium of Minority Cybersecurity Professionals), a 501c3 non-profit which he launched in 2014 and geared toward improving the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the field of cybersecurity through academic scholarships, certifications, mentoring and networking opportunities.

    Devon received a Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics from South Dakota Technological University and a Master of Science, Computer Science from Colorado Technological University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. He holds multiple cybersecurity certifications to include: CISSP, CIPP/US and CIPP/EU, serves on several non-profit boards, academic advisory boards and participates in select industry forums as a sought-after speaker and writer on emerging cyber security trends and issues.