About the Speaker
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    Tamara Shoemaker, Host
    President, Michigan WiCyS Regional Affiliate

    Tamara’s primary mission is to address the shortage of specifically educated and trained cybersecurity professionals across Michigan. She focuses on K-12 Education with the CyberPatriot Program and Recruiting, Retaining, and the Advancement of Women leading the Michigan WiCyS Affiliate’s programs.

    She has facilitated the MCISSE Center’s unique engagement in cybersecurity teaching at the middle and high school level, and through innovative cybersecurity summer camps. In conjunction with this program, she created a digital badging system to further motivate and distinguish Michigan CyberPatriot participation, which is the first of its kind in the nation. She and her husband, Dan Shoemaker, published a groundbreaking book for Secondary school teachers entitled “Teaching Cybersecurity” with CRC Press.

    In June, women from across Michigan stood up the Michigan WiCyS Affiliate and Tamara is leading that charge as President. WiCyS is a global Association that promotes Recruiting, Retaining, and Advancing Women in Cybersecurity, which fits seamlessly into Tamara’s life’s work. She encourages you all to get in the GAME, volunteer, and help ensure we can all properly retire someday!